OK, so we all agree that money is more fun to have than to not have. If you disagree with this statement I would like to hear about life from under your rock. Just like having a car is more fun than not having one (even though maybe a horse is fun to a degree, it wears thin in places... isn't that why we chose to invent a iron one?) Anyway, we live in a world in which money is integral, necessary and many times critical. But do necessary things need to become things of worship? Money is a tool and thus a means to an end; not the end in itself. So we ask ourselves; "to what (end) do we expect the (means of) money to accomplish: wealth? security? What will the tool called money accomplish in my hands? If we continually ask this question it will be amazing how we begin to change our views of money. Can money really accomplish the end we desire. Does money truly create security? Does money really make me a better person by the volume of it?
Notice that Job, in our ongoing study here, uses much of his money to keep his family connected with God. To what end does Job need to offer sacrifices for his "party-ing" children, is a subject of debate. Is this a act of a father trying to cover the overt sins of his children who are squandering their lives? Or is it a father that takes a very active, maybe even pro-active, role in the spiritual guidance of his children? Here is how it reads:
Job 1:5
When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would send and have them purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, "Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts." This was Job's regular custom.
I see things generally from the positive view point and I think that Job is hedging his bets. Notice the phrase "perhaps". (in the NASB and NIV) "it may be" ( in the ESV and KJV). Was Job being very careful and proactive. Or was he only ignorant and didn't want to know. Was he functioning as the "priest" of his home? For the sake of argument let's say he is functioning as the priest of his home. Is he teaching us that the end for which he uses some of his money is to promote or prompt the spiritual life of his kids? Is he using money to help his kids walk closer to God? Wow, when was the last time we saw any of our money being used for this end or purpose? How might that look? Well obviously tithing at our local church assembly might be an indirect way. How about a more direct way?
What if you used your money to take your family on a missions trip. What if you funded the whole thing without sending support letters to friends and family?
Something to "think as we should!"
Lord God, we bow before you as the giver of all gifts and tools. One of those tools you give to us is money. Forgive us when we use this tool to support our own desires and ends. Help us to look beyond the world of our need to the idea of money used for your glory. Help us to seek after your call to us that we may have tuned out. We love you and desire to honor you even now with our money.
Send me your thoughts and comments!
A little plug for Horizon University and going to Bible College. https://www.calvarychapelmagazine.org/heartland20221115/
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