Tuesday, May 3, 2011

So how do we view the idea of Suffering? (part 1)

Let me begin by asking you the same question that I have to ask myself. How do I view the world in which I live?
  • (1) Is it a world where suffering should not exist and if it does; it is out of order... ( a perfect world gone bad)?
  • (2) Or do I live in a world in which suffering and evil exists normally and when it doesn't that seems out of order (a bad world experiencing temporary good) ?
Why is this question necessary? Because it establishes our worldview and how we will not only approach the problem of suffering and evil but how we will interpret the data. I am convinced that those of us who have been raised in the "secure west' will approach the question from the first position. Because of faith in progress, medicine, military and money we have been promised that eventually we can rid ourselves of all injustices, suffering and evil. While I can only speculate on this point I think that parts of the world racked with suffering, hunger, evil and pain might approach the problem from the second position stated above. Our presuppositions on this are very important. It determines how we state the question of suffering and evil. It determines how we go about solving it.
How would you think that Job views the world? would he choose option 1 or 2 above? Because he was so wealthy, satisfied etc. wouldn't he naturally view it from view 1? Does this effect the way you interpret this ancient book?
Let me give you two possible hints that Job may have viewed the world from position 2, (contrary to his station in life.)
  • Job 1:5 "Perhaps my sons have sinned and cursed God..." Here Job seems to very realistic about the nature of sin in the world and in the human heart. His "perfect" world did not shield him or his children from sinful acts or destruction.
  • Job 1:21 "Naked I came from my mothers womb and naked I shall return there." Naked is not a biological or physical description only here. It also refers to how pitiful is our basic station in life is at the beginning and ending of life.
Enough to chew on for one day. Tomorrow we will define some terms because I have already made too many assumptions with the terms used. 
Tell your friends to visit that blog and let's see what they think!

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